Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Residente named International Ambassador for the Latino Commission on AIDS

René Pérez (Residente) from Calle 13 has agreed to serve as this year's International Ambassador for the Latino Commission on AIDS

the toll of HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean:

I was thinking….

in my blood…my friends are my blood, my family is my blood, my father’s brother, tío José who died of AIDS, may he rest in peace, is my blood….Titi Rosi, one of my mother’s four sisters, is my blood. She was infected by tío Josean, her first love, may he rest in peace. She found out she was HIV positive the day more life came to her life, the day she found out she was going to be a mom, which we celebrated last Sunday here in New York [on Mother's Day]. My two cousins, her children, who thank God are negative, are also my blood.

I was thinking…

About the Caribbean, about how “polluted” we supposedly are, that for some, we are like a plague, just like AIDS. Because in the Caribbean we have been able to mingle as a people, because we are and have been able to take in all races, all colors…

And I was thinking…

That if I’m Caribbean… that if I am a son and I’m the blood of strong, brave and wonderful women, that I also have to have "the ovaries", the strength, to dare to be positive to HIV, to dare to get tested…. to dare to talk about it openly with my family….with my friends… And I call upon all Latinos to pay tribute to our mothers…and to be positive to AIDS. It's the best way to prevent it, to fight it, and to finally find a cure for it.

And I am still thinking…

And I'm thinking this could be great for raising awareness about HIV and AIDS among young Latinos/as. Kudos to Residente.

1 comment:

n said...

Great quote!