Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sin Mapa

I went to Calle 13's Sin Mapa premier presented by the New York Latino International Film Festival yesterday. Residente and Visitante made a surprise appearance to pose with fans and introduce the film and their intentions behind it. The film was really interesting and I highly recommend it for anyone interested in the group, in reggaeton, or even in the effects of globalization in Latin America.

I liked Residentes' explanation behind the film, "As Puerto Ricans we are always looking to the North, to the States [in order to understand our culture]. We need to start looking to the South."

It is by no means a perfect film, and I do have some issues with it, but its still worth checking out.

It is available on iTunes and DVD for everyone who couldn't catch it in theaters.

1 comment:

Rob Lugo said...

I'll have to look for them.