Thursday, January 29, 2009

Calle 13 "Electro Movimiento"

Calle 13's new video for "Electro Movimiento." Calle 13's videos are always really fun and innovative for the genre of reggaeton or what he would call musica urbana. This video is really ill, and it totally is following a tend that we're seeing more and more in reggaeton and begining to see pop up more in mainstream hip hop videos of hipster aesthetics. Granted the song has a throw back vibe, but compare it with these...

Call it a cartography of emerging Puerto Rican Hipsterism. Maybe the days of Roqueros vs. Cocolos are over? Well, no, but there is definitely more overt back and forth, in terms of aesthetic presentation anyway.


Anonymous said...

What or who constitutes a Cocolo?
Just a west coast Mexican wondering...

Caro said...

To me, ya todos somos poperos y popolos. Meaning, the rock/hip hop or rock/salsa dichotomy has collapsed into pop as the other common denominator (the first one, of course being hip hop).

But I wonder how much of the boricua hipsterism you're spotting stays strictly at the visual/sartorial level. I don't necessarily hear it in the sound, or see evidence of worldview/activities that align these artists (or their fans) with whatever we want to name as the "hipster" source material.

It might be worth thinking some of this through, especially in comparison to the aesthetics of "bohemia" or "roots" aligned artists/fans.

Marisol LeBron said...

To Anonymous: "cocolos" were youth that preferred Salsa as opposed to rock music. The terms "roqueros" and "cocolos" have racialized meanings and associations. Generally, one could say that "cocolos" are seen as blacker, lower class, and backwards, while simultaneously being associated with cultural authenticity. "Roqueros" on the other hand are charaterized as blanquitos, upper class, and more Americanized.

To Caro: I've never heard anyone say "poperos y popolos," thats kinda dope. I would have to agree with you much of the "hipsterism" is on an aesthetic level rather than a sonic level. But interestingly, snyths which are often a main component of what gets broadly labeled "hipster music" (a musical label I have issues with, but will deploy for the sake of clarity) is making its way into some recent reggaeton songs. Also reggaeton artists are doing a lot of hybrid rock-reggaeton stuff, I'm thinking particularly of Naldo's new work. So I'll be interesting to see how that does or doesn't affect the genre.

Thanks for the questions/feedback!


Larry La Fountain said...

Thanks for posting the Calle 13 video! I enjoyed watching it. I can't tell if you liked it or hated it.

Marisol LeBron said...

Hey Larry!

I loved it of course! I'm a big calle 13 fan. I think his little sister who sings on the track, PG-13, stole the song and the video.
